Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It’s Fall so Start your Vegetable Garden!

The tomato sauce we made in the class was spectacular! That’s a sauce to spend the extra time on! Oh, we give up so much for convenience! I’m making more tonight!
Are you all ready for fall? I love my son, but I’m looking SO forward to school starting! We made it through August with hardly any unbearably hot days. There was a little too much rain, otherwise it was perfect summer weather for me. Next spring I’ll be moving part of my vegetable garden into the front yard too. I’ve been wanting to do this for years and the ‘social thing’ has held me back. But I think I can make it look good enough now. Its certainly better than the crabgrass thats taking over! Now is the time to start it. I’ll be putting in the much in the next week or two.
At the end of September (Sept. 24th) we’ll be having a fall garden prep/composting class with Wanda Knapik, a permaculture expert from Bernardsville, who plants vegetable gardens for residents and schools. Check it out at: www.meetup.com/MountainLakesOrganicCoop

Excerpts from the Starbrite Newsletter
The weather has continued to present challenges during this past week. The frequent rain does not give the ground ample time to dry out enough for me to prepare ground or plant seeds. In addition high winds which accompanied...

I’m sorry but there was nothing nice in this newsletter. The vegetables are great from Starbrite, but I think I may forgo the newsletters. John makes them way too negative. We know farming is difficult, relying on the weather and all. I think he need to realize #%$@ happens. So lets get on with it and have a nice day! He does deliver good produce after all.

Roundup Researcher: “If I know something, I will not shut my mouth.”
Dr. Andrés Carrasco, an embryologist who works in Argentina's Ministry of Science's Conicet (National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations) responding to criticism over his research which found that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide caused brain, intestinal and heart defects in amphibian fetuses.
GRAIN: Seeds of Information, July 2009

Tell the USDA GE Frankenfoods & Nanotechnology Aren't Organic
Last week, we gave you news of a report issued by the USDA Foreign Agriculture Information Network, "The Unexplored Potential of Organic-Biotech Production," that argues "Governments should change their regulations to allow producers to gain organic certification for biotech crops grown with organic methods."

In May, we alerted you that the National Organic Standards Board was considering an official ban on nanotechnology in organic, but felt stymied by their concern that "Under the current definition, most nanotechnology would not fall into the category of excluded methods."
Action: http://capwiz.com/grassrootsnetroots/issues/alert/?alertid=13184481

Every day, we post new evidence at OrganicConsumers.org that genetic engineering and nanotechnology present dangers to human health and the environment...
Please take action to (1) oppose the USDA's cynical attempt to promote genetic engineering as potentially organic and (2) push the National Organic Standards Board to take a strong stand against the use of nanotechnology in organic. Genetic engineering and nanotechnology aren't organic!
Action: www.organicconsumers.org/sos.cfm

Enjoy!     Marnie

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