Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Join us This Thursday...

Easy Delicious Summer Preserves II
In 2 Days! Back by popular demand! We can save the delicious flavor of plums and strawberries for the middle of the cold dark winter in different easy methods including brandied preserves to dish up over ice cream, jam and freezing techniques.
The cost covers the professional, the organic ingredients and the jars. Join us at this pleasant afternoon social, to learn the secrets of preserving summer fruits in Marnie's kitchen. For more info call 973-335-4469. Please RSVP.

Tell your friends. These classes are open to everyone, not just coop members. At the end of September (Sept. 24th) we’ll be having a fall garden prep/composting class with Wanda Knapik, a permaculture expert from Bernardsville, who plants vegetable gardens for residents and schools. I have redone the website so the Events classes are on our coop site, on the calendar page. Check it out at: www.MountainLakesOrganic.com
I start my fall semester at Montclair State today. I’m taking Environmental Change/Communication and Ecology. The syllabuses look frightning with the amount of work I’ll have to do.

USDA Disowns "Organic-Biotech" Report After OCA & Allies Protest
Last week, we asked you to take action to oppose a cynical attempt on the part of the USDA to promote genetic engineering as potentially allowed in organic production. The target of our ire was a report issued by the USDA Foreign Agriculture Information Network, "The Unexplored Potential of Organic-Biotech Production," that argued, "Governments should change their regulations to allow producers to gain organic certification for biotech crops grown with organic methods."
Thanks to thousands of letters of protest, the report was removed from the USDA Web site and replaced with a disclaimer announcing that "the report does not represent the policy of the United States Government."
More: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_18878.cfm

Farm Workers' Rights Now!
Farm workers should have the same labor rights that other workers are guaranteed, including:
    * Overtime pay
    * A minimum wage
    * Restrictions on child labor
    * The right to join labor unions and bargain collectively
Unfortunately, farm workers are denied most of the basic protections that our state and federal labor laws guarantee other workers.
This could change in California where farm workers are literally dying in the fields because they often have no water to drink nor shade to rest under and where agribusiness as usual routinely involves lack of enforcement of laws on pesticide poisonings and sexual harassment. SB789 "CA Employee Free Choice Act for Farm Workers" has reached the Governor’s desk. This bill will make it easier for farm workers to organize a union and protect themselves. No deaths from heat or thirst have ever occurred on any farm where farm workers have a union contract.
NATIONAL Action: www.organicconsumers.org/fairtrade.cfm

Enjoy!     Marnie