I got a great book on eating raw for Christmas and it’s a really easy read. I switched my breakfast to raw. My lunch already was. Dinner is still cooked, but I feel great! I’ve lost 4 pounds at this point and I look so forward to my green smoothy for breakfast every morning. The book is 12 Steps to Raw Foods. I’ve bought a few wholesale, so we can offer it and a few other books by Victoria Boutenko to you, each at $2.00 below retail. Phyllis, our resident Holistic Health Counselor, just gave a class on preparing fabulous raw dishes and will offer another Raw class in June too!
February Calendar
2 Big Week
9 Basic Week
16 No Bag this Week - School Vacation
18 Montclair Movie: The Disappearing Male
23 Basic Week
25 Heart Health - Food Prep Class
Learn more: www.MountainLakesOrganic.com/Calendar.html
Stop Factory Farms Degrading Organic Standards
The USDA is coming out with new rules to enforce the requirement that organic cows must graze on pasture, rather than be confined in feedlots. One last hurdle remains: the President's Office of Management and Budget review.
To prevent factory dairy farms from driving ethical organic farmers out of business, and stop special interest manipulation of organic standards, we need to act today. Tell the President that you won't settle for less! If a farm's dairy cows are kept in confinement or aren't on pasture, then its milk and dairy products are not organic!
TAKE ACTION: http://capwiz.com/grassrootsnetroots/issues/alert/?alertid=14607871