I hope you all had a spooky Halloween. I gave out the organic apples as usual. I bought 500 and we ran out by 7:00 pm so the last couple hundred kids got candy. As always, Halloween in the Village is exhausting. So now the Holiday Season has officially begun! I will look into organic turkeys for anyone who is interested. Expect to hear more about them in the coming weeks.
I have some papers due in school in the next few weeks too. Here is an excerpt from my paper for the Ethics in Sustainability class:
A person’s Standard of Living is an economics term for the measure of ones income and ability to purchase the items desired. It is a measure of a citizen’s ability to consume. The term standard of living is not to be mistaken for quality of life, which also includes ones health, environmental quality, and social issues. One’s standard of living is the primary scale by which Americans judge themselves as better or worse off than others, but does not mean a person has a better “quality of life.” Yes, living sustainably may degrade one’s standard of living, but it will not necessarily degrade a person’s quality of life. People are repelled by the idea of living a “sustainable” life style because they immediately envision hard labor and the loss of material goods. However, studies have found the quality of life does not diminish until poverty levels. In some cases quality of life increases with more sustainable lifestyles. This is due to personal satisfaction with behaving in a sustainable way and working with others of a like mind...
More to come!
Enjoy! Marnie