Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Environmental Movies in Denville!

So today is the fiinal produce delivered from Starbrite Farms. We will be getting the produce through the winter from Four Seasons and I will look for a different local source for next summer. I haven’t been totally happy with the quality of all of Strbrite’s vegetables and I had no way to return unsatisfactory goods. That won’t happen again. I am very releaved to be done with this. I know some of the produce was very good and we got to try a few new things like the celery root (big Bags only) this week. My biggest issue was with the unusual vegetables on the Basic Bag weeks. We’ll keep those bags more regular in the future!

This Thursday at 6:30pm – "Coal Country"
Nov 12 - 6:30 PM at Nature’s EnerQi, 21 Bloomfield Avenue, Denville
Coal Country is a stunning new documentary that reveals the devastation of mountaintop removal coal mining to the forests, streams, and communities of Appalachia. Produced by Mari-Lynn Evans and Phylis Geller, Coal Country brings us inside the lives of Appalachian residents who are directly threatened by mountaintop removal, a destructive mining practice where mountaintops are blasted away to expose the coal; the waste is then dumped in the waterways of nearby communities. As it takes us through each stage of coal mining and processing, Coal Country reveals the shocking true cost of America's over-reliance on coal.
For more information: www.mountainlakesorganic.com/Calendar.html or contact Marnie Vyff at 335-4469.

Go Organic to Avoid rBGH, Monsanto and Eli Lilly's Genetically Modified Bovine Growth Hormone

Dr. Sam Epstein, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, warns:
• rBGH makes cows sick.
• rBGH-derived milk is contaminated by pus.
• rBGH-derived milk is chemically and nutritionally different than natural milk.
• Milk from cows injected with rBGH is contaminated with Bovine Growth Hormone, traces of which are absorbed through the gut into the blood of people who consume this milk or products made from it.
• rBGH milk is supercharged with high levels of a potent cancer tumor promoter called insulin-like growth factor number one (IGF-1), which is readily absorbed through the gut.
• Excess levels of IGF-1 in the human body have been linked in numerous scientific studies as a cause of breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
Dr. Epstein and other scientists recommend boycotting rBGH-tainted milk and dairy products and purchasing organic products instead. According to The Hartman Group, a well-respected firm analyzing consumer, organic milk is now a leading priority for health-minded consumers. Demand for organic milk has grown at an annual rate of 20% until recently, while overall milk consumption has dropped by 10%.
"Nevertheless," Dr. Epstein emphasizes, "only a few schools make organic milk available, nor do most state governments, under low- income food programs, particularly by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children."
-Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., "Cancer Expert Counters Reckless Claims That Hormonal Milk Is Safe," October 14, 2009
MORE: www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_19391.cfm

Boycott Genetically Engineered rBGH
Following up on our successful campaign against Yoplait and Dannon, the Organic Consumers Association is now asking our members to boycott ice cream companies that still allow the use of genetically modified bovine growth hormone (Dreyer's, Edy's, Nestle, Haagen-Dazs, Klondike, Good Humor, Breyer's).
ACTION: www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_19530.cfm

Enjoy!     Marnie