The Co-op is looking for a host for weekly Co-op pick-ups from their garage, within a mile of route 46 in Denville or Rockaway. It would need to be accessible to a number of members, like my garage is without disturbing the residents. There is minimal weekly managing. We pay you in weekly produce. If you are interested, please call me and we can discuss the details.
Cooking with sea vegetables - Food Preparations Class
April 15th, 12:00 pm
Many people think the idea of using vegetables from the sea is something strange and new. But in China, Japan and the Pacific, many varieties have part of the staple diet for thousands of years. High in minerals and protein and low in calories, sea vegetables have always been valued for their rejuvinating and purifying properties. Join us to learn about the different varieties of sea vegetables and how they can be combined with other whole foods to form the basis of a balanced diet.
Phyllis is a certified Holistic Health Counselor with over 20 years practicing in the field of nutrition. She is a coach, educator, and chef skilled in multiple food disciplines.
For more info:
Montclair Environmental Movie Night: A Chemical Reaction
April 15th, 6:30 pm
For more info: