The local vegetables have begun to arrive! New Jersey and Pennisylvania in June produce greens, peas and berries. So the rest is still from further away, but not as far away! Georgia and North Carolina are producing now too, instead of just California and Florida. We have a few New Jersey farmers lined up who provide delicious produce this season as soon as it's ready.
With exams next week and my son’s trip to the tropics around the corner, I need to know how to get a 16 year old boy to get a hair cut! I’m loving this weather!
Please read!
I Need Your Vacation Dates!
Please send me your vacation dates by email or write it on your invoice! I have to charge you for missed baskets unless you notify me. I will be taking a week or 2 here or there this summer, and will update you when the co-op will take these weeks off. I spent a good part of this last week working out my vacations, and almost have it in order.
Genetically Modified Foods Cause Sterility
"We failed to get cubs from these pairs, which were fed with GM foodstuffs. It was proved that these pairs lost their ability to give birth to their cubs." Dr. Alexei Surov, a Russian biologist describing the results of a study of hamsters fed genetically modified soy for two years over three generations. By the third generation, most the hamsters lost the ability to have babies. The pups who were born suffered slower growth and a high mortality rate. Inexplicably, some grew fur inside their mouths.