Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Many of you know that I have been an organizer for a web based environmental group Community Green. We plan environmental events and post those of other environmental organizations that take place in New Jersey. Recently the woman who has been running Community Green from Colorado, passed the management of it to me. I’m very excited about this. It’s a good group of people and has a lot of potential. 
Please visit us at: wwwCommunityGreen.org
Victory for Voluntary GMO-Free Labels!
Monsanto and Eli Lilly have successfully blocked consumers' right to know about factory-farm dairy production by concealing the use of their genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, a.k.a. rBGH or rBST.
Still, when it comes to voluntary labels on non-GMO food, consumers are winning!
The first blow to biotech was in 2010 when a Sixth Circuit court ruled that milk produced with synthetic hormones is different than milk produced without it and struck down a Ohio rule that would have removed "rBGH-free" labels from dairy products.
The final blow to the Ohio rule came this week when the state agreed that, instead of revising the rule to comply with the court's opinion, it would abandon it altogether.