The recall of a half-billion eggs from two mega-farms in Iowa is accelerating the call for government action on food safety. Some news reports are confusing consumers over the safety of organic eggs. A couple facts: No USDA certified organic egg producers have been recalled. Factory farm practices that are banned in organic, including battery cages and feed contaminated with slaughterhouse waste and manure, are believed to be the cause of disease outbreaks.
Some consumer groups are pushing the Senate to vote on its version of the food safety bill passed by the House last year. Here are a few things we can to do to get moving in the right direction:
1. Congress should exempt small-scale, direct-to-consumer, local, pasture-based, and organic farmers and food processors from inappropriate food safety regulations. Support Tester-Hagan amendments to Senate Bill 510.
2. Consumers should swear off factory-farmed animal products and eat vegetarian when pasture-raised organic isn't available. We also need to press the USDA to require pasture for organic chickens.
3. Regulators should phase-out the worst factory farming practices. The USDA organic standards ban battery cages. Michigan and California are the first states to pass phase-out laws. Banning battery cages can cut the risk of salmonella contamination in half.
4. Localities should lift restrictions on residents raising chickens in their backyards.
Enjoy! Marnie