It’s time to hook up the rain barrels and capture some of that blue gold for your garden! I have three rain barrels and have only needed to use my municipal water (tap water) a handful of times in August last two years. The plants, especially the young ones don’t like tap water because of the chlorine. It’s actually very toxic to them. If you use tap water to water plants, let it sit for an hour in the watering can first, to let the chlorine dissipate. Last year I went to Rutgers and took a How to Make a Rain Barrel Instructor’s course. I have been holding classes in making rainbarrels and selling them ever since. If any of you would like me to come do a class for your town organization or club, please contact me. I also have rain barrels available for $75, with instructions for set up produced by Rutgers University.
It’s time to get out in the garden, and start planting the broccoli, peas, beans and lettuces! Plant the warm weather seeds inside, to be transplanted come Mother’s Day. Please make a conserted effort to buy organic seeds. Seeds of Change is a great company. Burpee is as bad as you can get.
The forsythia are blooming so that means its time to put down the corn gluten on your lawn as a weed inhibitor. It lets the weed seeds sprout, but inhibits root growth, so the weed eventually dies. Grass that is already established won’t be harmed. Weeds that are established will need to be pulled. Its a little more expensive than synthetic herbicides, but it keeps your soil alive and working organically. I’ll have more on this in future articles.
Enjoy! Marnie