The end of of New Jersey’s harvest season is coming. We have a couple weeks left and can only get the leafy greens, winter squashes, peppers, potatoes, and kiwi berries. We’ve already started getting citrus from Florida and California and will begin to source more from these winter growing states like the pineapples. I’ve enjoyed the fresh Jersey produce this summer. It was a bumper crop of tomatoes and the berries, cukes, carrots, peas, beans, basil, broccoli were all so delicious!
Safeguard Organic Standards
Chemical and energy-intensive industrial food and farming poses a mortal threat to life on the planet. Monsanto and Food Inc. are rapidly destroying the soil, contaminating water, reducing biodiversity, and destabilizing the climate. Meanwhile consumers are being stuffed with junk foods that make us fat and sick. Industrial agriculture's fatal harvest includes trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and filthy, disease-ridden factory farmed animal products laced with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, nano-particles and bacteria. ...
The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is holding its twice-yearly standards-setting meeting in Madison, WI next week. Organic Consumers Association political director Alexis Baden-Mayer will be speaking at the meeting on behalf of our quarter-million active members and we need you to back up her testimony with letters to the NOSB on the topics that are most important to you.
There are 8 Action emails you can send at this link! If there is ever an opportunity to voice your opinion, this is it.
Enjoy! Marnie