The USDA has deregulated Monsanto GMO Roundup Ready alfalfa after five years of deliberation. The decision squashed a proposed compromise that would have placed geographic restrictions on Roundup Ready alfalfa to prevent organic and traditional alfalfa from being contaminated by herbicide sprays and cross-pollination.
Exchange Morals for Money
“Americans have come to consider their standard of living as a somewhat sacred acquisition, which they will defend at any price. This means that they would be ready to make many an intellectual or even moral concession in order to maintain that standard” –Richard Robbins. Over the last 120 years, as people earn more and more money, they have made many intellectual and moral concessions in order to maintain the ever rising standard of living. We have become more competitive, stressed, given up a more relaxed lifestyle to make more money. We have come to accept a number of formerly sacrilegious concepts – money not being tied to a commodity, money being created by creating debt, its now even expected to charge interest on loans. People used to value “thrift, modesty, and moderation.” As consumer capitalism grew, we have accepted that we need to spend money. We are now borrowing so we have money to spend, and, we are spending it on luxury items.
This change of ideals and morals has changed our way of life dramatically. It has altered our time, space, and class. Our holidays have become excuses to consume, weather for presents, food or greeting cards. We have left our city apartments to live in big sprawling houses, with cars and malls. And, as Macy’s board chairman states, “The luxuries of today are the necessities of tomorrow.” At the rate the growth economy ideals are spreading, there are staggering implications for the rest of the world. China and India both have populations far greater than the United States and their economies are growing rapidly. China’s GDP is growing about 8% per year. India is saving about 7% less per year. We live on a finite planet. At some point our economy cannot grow anymore.
Enjoy! Marnie