My Term Paper is due this evening so I'm here redesigning the Coop Newsletter. That makes sense. Right? I'm actually in pretty good shape, I think. I know December is VERY busy, but we have two VERY exciting events coming up the Candlelight Holiday Party and Montclair Environmental Movie Night: No Impact Man. I hope to see you at at least one of the events!
And remember NO BASKETS DEC 29TH (a Basic Week).
Holiday Candlelight Party
Friday, December 11, 2009 at 6:30 PM
At the home of Marnie Vyff, 10 Vale Drive, Mountain Lakes
Enjoy hearty good food in the warmth of candle light and good friends. The candle light is part of the global Candle Light Vigil. The weekend for these vigils falls in the middle of the two-week Copenhagen talks. This is a symbolic act toward a greener world. See for more.
Please bring a Dinner Dish & a Festive Candle.
rsvp Marnie at 973-335-4469.
Montclair Movie: No Impact Man
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 6:30 PM
Montclair Public Library, 50 S Fullerton Ave , Montclair, NJ
Join us as we participate in New American Dream's nationwide pre-DVD release community screenings of the documentary, No Impact Man, and a post-screening discussion about how to simplify our holidays this year. During the two-weeks of the historic UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (December 7th-18th), they're bringing people together to talk about the impact of holiday spending on their lives and the environment.
Learn more here:
Happy Holidays! Marnie