Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Which Federal Politicians Oppose GMO Labeling?

We will not be having baskets July 13th and July 20th. 

Monsanto's Minions in Congress
Each year Monsanto contributes hundreds of thousands of dollars to elected officials, while their powerful allies, Food Inc. and the Farm Bureau, contribute millions more. We characterize these indentured Congress members as "Monsanto's Minions," to call attention to the fact that they would rather deny consumers the right to know whether their foods are genetically engineered or not (90% of their constituents want labels on GMOs), rather than standing up to Monsanto and the other Gene Giants: Syngenta, Dow, BASF, Dupont, and Bayer.
Is your US Representative one of Monsanto's Minions?
Representatives for Mountain Lakes, NJ...
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
5th term Democrat from New Jersey.
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
2nd term Democrat from New Jersey. Appt. 1/2006.
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ 11th District)
8th term Republican from New Jersey 11th District.
All three Oppose Labeling Genetically Modified Foods
These Congresspersons opposes consumers' right to know whether our foods contain genetically engineered ingredients.
They have never co-sponsored the bills that Congressman Dennis Kucinich and Senator Barbara Boxer have introduced to create needed regulations for the products of genetic engineering that are used in agriculture and food. These include crops, food ingredients, growth hormones and vaccines.
Enjoy! Marnie