Sunday, 10/10/10 at 4:00 pm-
Rainbarrels & Composters
This doesn't happen often! Join thousands of people around the globe, and get out to do something for your planet today ( Wanda Knapik and Marnie Vyff are joining forces to show you the first steps in making your garden sustainable. For a small amount we will learn how to make our own rain-barrels and get the directions to make composters for your gardens. We will talk about why these two items are essential to every environmentally friendly backyard and discuss "green" gardening techniques. Have you ever heard of permaculture? This is it!
For more information contact Marnie at or 973-335-4469.
Take Action on Climate Change
Please Join Organic Consumers Association and in our Upcoming Actions
On 10/10/10, OCA's climate justice ally, is organizing a Global Work Party to involve people in positive actions in their local communities to demonstrate how we can sharply reduce and sequester climate-destabilizing greenhouse gases and move back below the dangerous tipping point of 350 parts per million of CO2 in our atmosphere.
A worldwide shift of agriculture from chemical-intensive factory farms and industrial monocultures to organic practices could drastically reduce CO2, nitrous oxide, and methane emissions, and sequester a critical mass of carbon back in the soil, where it belongs. That's why OCA and are encouraging people to spend 10/10/10 working on a community garden or an organic farm in your local area.
Please go to to find out what other organic consumers and climate justice activists in your community have planned for 10/10/10 like Mtn Lakes Organic Co-op’s Rainbarrel & Composter Workshop. See you there!
Enjoy! Marnie