Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Local Produce Has Begun

The apples, kale, and kohlrabi are from NY state, Blueberries, onions, and lettuce are NJ, yams are NC, and peas are MD. As the weeks progress we will be getting more from even more local sources. We have four reputable certified organic sources and are working on a fifth that is in Andover, NJ.

The local farms are sending the produce to us in cases, not prepackaged. Items like the blueberries, we have to package ourselves, so I would appreciate it if you bring back your berry boxes. This week we are using paper cups, but I have purchased the green paper cartons for future use. Please do not throw them out! They are relatively expensive so please return especially them for reuse, unless of course they are soiled. 
Thank you all for getting your vacation times to me. I will have our vacation schedule out within the next 2 weeks. 
Don’t forget your watermelon!
Enjoy Your Summer! 

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